Hi! I'm Sara, co-founder of ALKAA

Throughout most of my life I would have classified myself as a non-drinker. So, it’s pretty hilarious to me that our company is alcohol-related.

Thanks to ALKAA, I finally understand how a well paired drink with dinner enhances flavors and increases enjoyment. (Funny how your face feeling like it’s on fire from a sip of wine takes away from that experience).

My business background in marketing and customer service has taught me what it means to be customer-centric and I am happy to put that knowledge to work for ALKAA.

I also spent several years working with children and adults with reading difficulties which taught me the value of patience and consistency.

As I work hard to grow ALKAA into a household brand, these lessons help me to focus on the people that support ALKAA. Without our loyal customers, we are just a website.

Hello! I'm Paul, co-founder of ALKAA

"Imagine sipping your favorite drink without the fear of headaches, fatigue, or heartburn haunting the next day. This was my quest – to enjoy a drink without the physical toll it took on my well-being."

Like you, I had a long list of symptoms that changed based on what I was drinking:

  • Wine = instant headaches and hangover symptoms the next day.
  • Beer = congestion, fatigue and body aches.
  • Whisky = heartburn, sweating, and sleeplessness.
  • Cocktails = combinations of symptoms based on the alcohol type I was drinking.

I tried everything on the market to alleviate these issues, but they only brought limited, inconsistent results. As I got older the problems become worse and new ones arrived. I was so frustrated! Come to find out, I was not the only one to go have these side effects. Research, development, laboratory testing, and many recipe iterations later, ALKAA was born (there is a lot more to the story and you can watch a couple minutes of it on our video below).

We are happy you found us and we look forward to hearing how ALKAA works for you!

The ALKAA Story:


ALKAA has a clear mission: to make a positive impact on the lives of those facing alcohol intolerance. Our personal experiences led us to develop a groundbreaking solution that lessens the effects of alcohol intolerance, allowing everyone to enjoy social gatherings without discomfort.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of individuals with alcohol intolerance. Explore our website, learn about our products, and engage with us. Your trust and support mean the world to us.

Warm Regards
Paul & Sara Lagerstedt